What is Multi-Pathway Activation?

As living beings, we have millions of biochemical reactions happening simultaneously and orchestrating with each other in our bodies. If these reactions are in balance, we can experience robust health. This is quite often the case when we are young. Unfortunately, the biochemical reactions that keep us healthy as we age can become imbalanced. Illness, poor lifestyle choices, and other factors contribute to this. Bringing the body back into balance can be a challenge, but is certainly worthwhile.

Miraculous heroic modern Western Medicine saves the day when we are seriously ill, using a single mechanism or single compound drugs. However, pharmaceutical drugs with a single mechanism cannot necessarily recreate balance in the body. In fact, boosting the one single chemical reaction that the drug facilitates often throws the entire system further out of balance and causes multiple side effects. While it may be medically necessary to continue using heroic drugs, and we would not suggest otherwise, we can also move in the direction of healthy balance through herbalism.

Herbalism is about creating balance in the body to help enhance health and optimally lead to robust health. At Kimia, we strive to capture herbalism in effective forms to share with the world.

We utilize a key concept here that revolves around Multiple Pathways.  The body creates and maintains a healthy balance on molecular, cellular, tissue, organ and full body levels simultaneously via multiple metabolic pathways.  Likewise, plants, as living organisms, stay alive with their own millions of simultaneous reactions, addressing many of the same functions we have to address as humans. Plants have to kill bacteria and viruses, regulate metabolism, and maintain homeostasis in sometimes harsh environments, just as we do.  Herbs, therefore, also thrive when they are in balance internally via multiple pathways.

A single herb contains over 500 active compounds to address body imbalances.

It’s fascinating how plants, with their multiple pathways, can benefit humans, who also rely on multi-pathways to function. Both aim to achieve balance, making this natural synergy even more remarkable. We have arrived here in the modern age after millions of years of evolving alongside plants, and these plants have fed us, healed us, and made us thrive as a species. Herbalism is the age-old practice of understanding this relationship for enhancing health.

Herbal formulation is the next step in using multiple pathways to move toward greater balance in the body. One single herb can include 500 or more active compounds that react in the body to solve imbalances.

A properly formulated herbal formula multiplies the effects of each herb by the number of herbs, dramatically increasing the number and type of reactions in the body.

Often the formula functions best when the formulator assigns roles to the herbs in the formula, and uses the characteristic personality of each herb, combining them in such a way as to create energetic balance among the herbs in the formula.

This advanced level of formulation, as practiced at Kimia, with knowledge of each herb and how it combines with other herbs, is more effective at enhancing health than many formulas found in the herbal products marketplace.  

At Kimia, we aim to incorporate herbalism to promote a healthy body balance.


Kimia’s Purple Blend Renewal Boost formula provides a clear design of multi-pathway activation through its rich blend of deep purple fruits.

These ingredients are loaded with antioxidant anthocyanins and flavonoids like luteolin and apigenin, along with powerful medicinal herbs that provide a broad range of beneficial health-boosting effects. For example, in addition to providing valuable antioxidant protection, the flavonoid compounds also help block CD38 molecules, preventing CD38 from inhibiting NAD+, which boosts sirtuin levels. Luteolin can also directly increase sirtuin expression in mitochondria.

Kimia Renewal Boost features anti-aging ingredients like blueberry, blackberry, and pomegranate.

Kimia’s Purple Blend Renewal Boost contains three herbs that work synergistically to raise energy levels:  Honeysuckle, Codonopsis, and Hu Chang (Polygonum cuspidatum). Hu Chang with its resveratrol content improves insulin sensitivity and glucose utilization while helping to decrease inflammation levels. All of these pathways will boost energy. Codonopsis is a Qi tonic herb that increases NAD+ and ATP levels to increase energy, but by a different pathway, directly acting on the mitochondria. Honeysuckle contains luteolin which helps decrease CD38, resulting in an increase of NAD+ levels through a third set of pathways that also help increase energy.

The combined energy-boosting effect of these 3 herbs—Honeysuckle, Codonopsis, and Hu Chang—results in a significantly greater increase in energy due to the activation of multiple pathways that each contribute an energy effect..


In conclusion, a single herb can contain over 500 active compounds, each capable of activating various biological pathways—specific sequences of actions within cells that address imbalances in the body.

At Kimia, advanced formulation techniques assign roles to each herb, creating a synergistic blend that achieves multi-pathway activation more effectively than many other herbal products, ultimately enhancing health and well-being.
Kimia Renewal Boost enhances natural balance by replenishing antioxidants and repairing DNA.
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